Wednesday, July 11, 2007

When Words Fail

Issue 8 - July 2007 -This month's issue started out with one intention and like many things in life we have to adapt to the unexpected.

July 4th was that unexpected as we lost my dear boy Chaz to colic.

All of our horses have a story - this is my take on Chaz's story.

A registered Paint, Chaz's pedigree reflected lines that traced back to racing royalty including Man O'War and the Triple Crown Winner, Secretariat. Registered as B.C.'s Macho Fred, we felt the name simply didn't reflect his "drama-queen" personality, Chaz, the name of a friend's son, just seemed to suit.

Like many of our teachers, Chaz came to us from a horse dealer. The past owner hadn't quite been prepared for the "sports" model they'd purchased and unloaded him just in time for our paths to cross. Chaz came to us with a hair trigger clutch, long on gas and short on brakes. Ready to move up from the power steering and brakes model he'd learned to ride on, Chaz became husband Chris's horsemanship challenge. Great on the trails, endlessly patient and brilliantly flaboyant Chaz was a dream to ride.

A charter member of The Natural Leader programs - Chaz proved to be a perfect gentleman and let participants know there is a clear distinction between make and ask.

I said this is about when words fail us and they do. I just wanted to share a bit about Chaz for those who had the opportunity to meet him.

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