Monday, December 10, 2007

Walking the Talk, Issue 14 - December 2007

If January is about promise, then December is about summary. Traditionally a time for considering others, December also provides the opportunity to reflect on the values we have held near and dear through the year. So the renewal of January builds on what we have fulfilled and recognises what we have yet to achieve.

If January is about promise, then December is about summary. Traditionally a time for considering others, December also provides the opportunity to reflect on the values we have held near and dear through the year. So the renewal of January builds on what we have fulfilled and recognises what we have yet to achieve.

While domestication has removed many of the threats to a horses' survival, humans can easily become their predator through our actions. The more focused we are on an outcome the more likely the horse will revert to their basic instinct. No matter how our emotions or actions may fluctuate, a horse remains true to what they value.

Leaders we admire are those with that level of commitment. Someone of principle, one who can look through the emotion and is willing to stand up for what they believe.

"You must authentically communicate your beliefs in ways that uniquely represent who you are. You must interpret the lyrics and shape them into your own singular presentation so that others recognize that you're the one who's speaking and not someone else." Kouzes & Posner

When we recognize where our intention overrides awareness, and our values are not demonstrated through our actions, we can control the predator side of our nature. We will simply see it as a moment to change something in ourselves, clarify our intention and begin again. When we can knowingly say that what we did, how we acted and what we demonstrated reflected what we truly value, the reward is intrinsic.

Your leadership style reflects the unique you, that understanding comes from knowing what is important. If December resonates that for you, then writing the lyrics for the talk you walk in the New Year will be an easy task indeed.

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