Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Desire to Gain

"Fear of Loss is greater than the desire to gain." Jeffrey Gitomer

The more I work with people and horses the more frequently I see fear of "what might happen" instead of being present to what is happening.

If the name Gitomer sounds familiar, you may know the statement refers to sales, not leadership or even horses.

I had the pleasure of attending the Art of Sales as a guest of Brian Pleet of Strategico a couple of weeks ago. The statement on fear was simply a few of the words that rang true for me as I listened to Gitomer speak.

It is interesting how a presentation on sales offers the same concepts we reference for horsemanship, leadership, communication and life in general.

Gitomer summarized his presentation with five key points:
· Attitude
· Belief in self
· Love of what you do
· Being prepared
· & above all Self-confidence

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